Immerge Netwotk

IMMERGE is a network of emerging leaders

who are being mentored, coached, and equipped

as they pursue their life callings

in non-traditional ministry contexts,

especially among immigrant communities.


Earn a college degree from home (while  continuing your current work and church involvement) for $10,500 per year or less. Receive college credits for ministry practicums and business apprenticeships.


what does immerge do?

Definition of "immerge" - ​to pour into, completely mix with, to dive in​.

Immerge Network pours into leaders​ (age 16 to 30) as they pour into their​ callings, communities,​ and peers.

  • Provides peer communities for mutual support and development based upon similar callings

  • Mentors and coaches in disciple making, leadership development, and capacity building

  • Resources them with accessible and affordable training options

  • Connects emerging leaders with the broader North American church and highlights their stories

  • Advocates that they be embraced, their callings resourced, and their influence welcomed

The world is already being served by this generation. We're ready to notice them earlier and better equip them

how to partner with immerge



One-time gifts

Recurring gifts/pledges



Donors may sponsor an emerging leader (one full scholarship equals $3600 annually/300 monthly)

Sponsors would be invited to participate in select immerge network events


Provide financial support monthly or annually (toward general expenses)

Sponsor one or more emerging leaders (a full sponsorship is $3600 per year/300 monthly)

Customize ways in which immerge can help your church meet its missions objectives

Foundations and Corporations

Grantmaking organizations may provide funds for specific projects or sponsor one or more emerging leaders

Support a Staff Member Financially

Our staff helps raise their own support and your donations can help underwrite the costs of their ministry with immerge

our funding approach

Sponsorships are the foundation of our funding model. Sponsorships cover the cost of an emerging leader.  Two-year commitments help us have the most impact. Sponsorships are a donor's most interactive level of relationship with immerge.

Each emerging leader represents an average annual cost of $3600 (training costs, cohorts, retreat travel, coaching fees, and mentor’s expenses). Full Sponsorships - $300 monthly; Half Sponsorships - $150 monthly.

General unrestricted donations will cover costs of administration, staff and travel, an annual retreat, training, online resources and tools.



Daniel Martins


Daniel Martins comes from a pastoral family in Brazil. He moved to the US in 2014, answering a calling to missions in this country. He holds an engineering degree and an MBA. He also graduated in 2017 from Christ for the Nations Seminary. Daniel has served in numerous churches and communities.  He is responsible for technology support for communication and connection among participants and partners.

 Jeff Getz


Jeff Getz serves as founding director of Immerge Network Inc. He has been a regional director, a lead pastor, and a church multiplication coordinator for the Missionary Church. He also has experience as a youth pastor, church planting coach, and as director of strategic partnerships for an international relief organization. He and his wife Christina and three daughters moved to NYC in 2007 to live for the good of their city, so Jeff enjoys inspiring other dads to lead their families on a mission to serve their communities.

Sabrina Passoni

Sabrina Passoni serves as the Administrative Assistant to our Executive Director. She is soon to graduate from Alliance University in Business Administration and Marketing. She specializes in communications, content curation, and campaigns. Sabrina enjoys using her digital skills to contribute to her community and is inspired to serve others.
 Wes Sebree

Wes has over 25 years’ combined experience in the non-profit, academic, and business sectors, including roles as pastor, professor, business consultant, and church planter trainer. He has a passion for leadership development and disciple-making pathways in local churches. He has served with a wide range of people groups, and has a deep interest in the multiethnic church. Wes thrives on the outdoors, warm fires, and great conversation. Wes and his wife Sharmon have four adult children and live in Crestwood, Kentucky.

Brandon Easley

Brandon brings his understanding of healthy organizations, his experienced business acumen, and out-of-the-box thinking to the board of Immerge. Brandon had built his career in mineral engineering, and currently is Owner/CEO of a thriving company which he started over a decade ago. Brandon is married to Becky, has two children, and serves his community as chairman of a local township board as well as member of a historic church.
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